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99% winning guarantee
Experienced counsel in haddock and institutional arbitration in legal hubs like Singapore.
Secure management
Experienced counsel in haddock and institutional arbitration in legal hubs like Singapore.
Full time support
Experienced counsel in haddock and institutional arbitration in legal hubs like Singapore.
What We Do

Need legal help? get in touch with our lawyers!

Advocacy is a free profession and is considered one of the most significant and honest profession, its significance lies in the capability that it partakes the judicial authority in seeing that justice is done and in underlining the rule of law and in enshrining the right of defense of the persons and their freedoms.

The office of Advocate, Ali Khalaf Alhosani, Advocates and Legal Consultants, shouldered the principle of preserving to the honor of the profession by utilizing the outcome of wide ranging legal and administrative experience exceeding 20 years serving his clients.

Ali Khalaf Alhosani Advocates & Legal Consultants is full fledge legal service establishment which excels in rendering legal consultancy and solutions in all fields (corporates and individuals), and in all cases of all types.

The head office of Ali Khalaf Alhosani had been carefully handpicked to be amid the colorful waters of Dubai Water Channel in Burj Khalifa Area, Business Bay, it is the optimal destination for investors and individuals.

Our office aims at achieving maximum efficiency and credibility in dealing with its client wherein the teamwork put foremost the interest and the rights of the clients with the objective of rendering trustworthy legal services and consultancy.

Over a period for more than 7 years ago, Advocate, Ali Khalaf Alhosani had been able to establish his office in the Emirate of Dubai to render legal consultancy and advocacy in all fields, and this legal structure became one of the pioneering offices of the Emirate, and render its services at the local level for the Emirate of Dubai and Emirate of Abu Dhabi and other Emirates which adopts the Federal jurisdiction.

The office of Advocate, Ali Khalaf Alhosani, put at your disposal accumulating expertise to achieve the best outcomes for its client and adopt the approach of continuous and permanent communication regarding the case files and the legal consultancy rendered.

We are here to listen to our clients and comprehend their needs and requirements then we go ahead with writing the memorandums and statement of claims and other instruments as per the form and content which realized the interest of our clients.

Discover our company

We’ve been thriving for 38 years

مهمة شركتنا

تقديم الخدمات والاستشارات القانونية لعملائنا ضمن جدول زمني مناسب معتمدين في ذلك على موظفينا وخبرائنا ومستشارينا القانونيين والإداريين لاعتماد أفضل الأساليب والمعايير والممارسات القانونية.

رؤية شركتنا

أن تكون شركة محاماة متميزة دوليًا.

قيم شركتنا

المصداقية: نحن ملتزمون بتوخي الدقة في الدعاوى القضائية، وتوضيح المعايير والممارسات بطريقة شفافة.

احترام السرية: نحن ملتزمون بالحفاظ على سرية المعلومات الشخصية والتجارية.

الاهتمام بالعملاء: نحن ملتزمون بتقديم أفضل الخدمات والاستشارات القانونية لعملائنا.

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